Event Details


National Seminar on “ Library as a Knowledge and Skill Development Center

  • 24 January, 2019
  • Aurangabad, Maharashatra

S.B.E.S College of Science, Aurangabad is organizing two days National Seminar on “ Library as a Knowledge and Skill Deyelopment Center" on 24th ond 25th January 2019.

You are requested to participate and contribute in the above seminar. The seminar is being organized to provide a platform for the library and information professionals and also the teaching faculties of various disciplines.

Library is the soul of an Educational institution. Information is an essential ingredient in social and economic development as well as in research. Information technology has influenced all aspects of the life. Libraries and Information ‹enters are playing an important role in accessing the information.

We expect thst new adyan‹ements in library end information science

will enrich knowledge in all disciplines. Your participation will be of great help in achieving the obiective of the seminar.

More Details Click Below Link

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