S.B.E.S. college of Science Library is repository of knowledge library provide information to the library users. Library resources reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedia are available in library.
The S.B.E.S. college of Science library has more than 37000 printed documents and it subscribes 42 journals and magazines and 10 News papers. The Library also enrich with 880 CD’s, floppy, video cassette, maps and other rare reference books are also available.
E-Books : 1,49,839
E-Journals : 81509
Library has computerized database and make use of standard SOUL2.0 software. SOUL2.0 software introduced by INFLIBNET specially for University and college libraries
BARCODING facility is also available in the library.
Library Area : 65000 sq.ft.Monday to Saturday- 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
During Examination Period - 7.30 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
Sr. No. | Name of the staff | Designation | Qualification | Experience |
1 | Dr. Mrs Daya Patil(Dalve ) | Librarian | B. Sc/ M .Lib & I. Sc. SET /Ph.D. | 23 years |
2 | Shri. Panchal P. M. | Jr. Clerk | M.A.(first year) M .Lib & I. Sc. | 5 years |
3 | Shri. Kapse R. S. | Library Attendant | 7th. | 35 years |
4 | Shri. Dandare S .A. | Library Attendant | B.A.II, L.T.C | 28 years |
5 | Shri. Madhe S.R. | Library Attendant | B.A | 10 years |