
M.Sc. in Mathematics


    M.Sc. Mathematics post graduates career will be more stable and successful. Students can apply for various job profiles such as Research Associate, Lecturer in Mathematics, Scientific Officer, Computer and IT, General Management, Manual Testing, Data Science Modelers, Banking etc.

      Students can apply the knowledge of mathematical concepts in interdisciplinary fields. Students will be able to model the real world problems into Mathematical Equations and draw the inferences by finding appropriate solutions.

A candidate shall be admitted to the first year for the Master of Science (Mathematical Science) in the faculty of science, provided that he/she passes mathematical science as one of the optional subjects at B.Sc. or equivalent level from any recognized university.

Course code Subject
MAT401 Abstract Algebra
MAT402 Real Analysis-I
MAT403 Topology-I
MAT404 Complex Analysis-I
MAT422 Advanced Discrete Mathematics-I
Course code Subject
MAT411Linear Algebra
MAT412Real Analysis-II
MAT414Complex Analysis-II
MAT432Advanced Discrete Mathematics-II
Course code Subject
MAT501Functional Analysis
MAT502Partial Differential Equations
MAT524Numerical Analysis
MAT525Lattice Theory
MAT526Operations Research-I
Course code Subject
CSC505Pattern Recognition
MAT511Linear Integral Equations
MAT534Fuzzy Mathematics
MAT535Linear Algebra
MAT536Operation Research-II
Service Course-SC 01 Communication Skills in English
Sr. No. Particulars M.Sc. First Year Fees M.Sc. Second Year Fees
1 Tution fees 5500 5500
2 Laboratory fees 1100 1100
3 Admission Fees 25 25
4 Prospectus Fees 25 25
5 Library Fees 50 50
6 College Sports 25 25
7 University Sports 25 25
8 Extra Curriculum/ Activity Fees 56 56
9 Ashwmedh Fees 4 4
10Magazine Fees 50 50
11 E-Suvidha Fees 50 50
12 Registration Fees25 25
13 University CDF 55 55
14 College CDF 55 55
15 Student Association Fees 10 10
16 Medical Fees 15 15
17 University SWF 10 10
18 College SWF 10 10
19 University S.I.F. Fees 10 10
20 Gathering Fees 50 50
21 Youth Festival Fees 50 50
22 I- Card Fees 10 10
23 College Test Fees 75 75
24 Constitution of India Fees-- --
25 Compulsary Computer Fees -- --
26 Compulsary Env. Science Fees -- --
27 SB Sports Fest Fees 50 50
28 Library deposit 50 --
29 Laboratory Deposit 50 --
30 General deposit 100 --
31 Eligibility Fees 50 --
Grand Total 7535 7535

* Where ever applicable (as per UGC Rule)
Note : In addition, eligibility fees as per university rules has to be paid by the students from other university.