Computer Science

M.Sc. in Computer Science


    M.Sc. Computer Science graduates interested in pursuing a job, can apply for various job profiles such as Research Associate, Project Assistant, Scientific Offericer, Software Engineer, Computer Assistant and System Analyst. National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Visva Bharati Santiniketan, they can go in private sector as a system administrator, programmer, database manager. Further, the candidate can also go for hardware and networking profiles. Apart from this, those interested in higher education courses such M.E. in Advanced Computing, M.Tech. in Computer and Information Science, M.Tech. in Computer Vision and Image Processing and Ph.D. in Computer Science. Teaching is also a good profession that on e may take up after M.Sc. program.

A candidate shall be admitted to the First year for the Master of Science (Computer Science) in the faculty of science, provided that he/she passes Computer Science as one of the optional subjects at B.Sc. level B.E./Anaylitical other bachelor’s degree in Computer Science of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University or any other university recognized as equivalent thereto with minimum of 50% of marks (45% marks for reserved category). In case of vacancies not filled due to non-ava9lability of students with above mentioned criteria, the students with B.Sc. Physics/Electronics/Mathematics as one of the optional subjects may also be considered for the admission.

Course code Subject
CSC401 Advanced Java
CSC402 Neural Network
CSC403 Digital Signal Processing
CSC404 Advanced Operating system
CSC451 Practical base on CSC401
CSC452 Practical base on CSC402
CSC453 Practical base on CSC403
CSC454 Practical base on CSC404
Course code Subject
CSC405 Data structure & Analysis of algorithm
CSC406Advance Neural network & Fuzzy System
CSC407Image Processing
CSC408Parallel Computing
CSC455Practicel base on CSC405
CSC456Practicel base on CSC406
CSC457Practicel base on CSC407
CSC458Practicel base on CSC408
Course code Subject
CSC501 Java Network Programming
CSC502Advanced software engineering and Technology
CSC503 Computer vision
CSI504 Electice-I (Select Anaylitical one from list of Elective-I)
CSC551 Practical based on CSC501
CSC552 Practical based on CSC502
CSC553 Practical based on CSC503
CSC554 Practical based on CSC504
Course code Subject
CSC505 Pattern Recognition
CSC506 Electice-II (Select Anaylitical one from list of Elective-II)
CSC555 Practical based on CSC505
CSC556 Practical based on CSC506
CSC557 Major Project
CSC558 Seminar
Service Course - Select any one from Service course List
Sr. No. Particulars M.Sc. First Year Fees M.Sc. Second Year Fees
1 Tution fees 23000 23000
2 Laboratory fees 13800 13800
3 Admission Fees 25 25
4 Prospectus Fees 25 25
5 Library Fees 50 50
6 College Sports 25 25
7 University Sports 25 25
8 Extra Curriculum/ Activity Fees 56 56
9 Ashwmedh Fees 4 4
10Magazine Fees 50 50
11 E-Suvidha Fees 50 50
12 Registration Fees25 25
13 University CDF 55 55
14 College CDF 55 55
15 Student Association Fees 10 10
16 Medical Fees 15 15
17 University SWF 10 10
18 College SWF 10 10
19 University S.I.F. Fees 10 10
20 Gathering Fees 50 50
21 Youth Festival Fees 50 50
22 I- Card Fees 10 10
23 College Test Fees 75 75
24 Constitution of India Fees-- --
25 Compulsary Computer Fees -- --
26 Compulsary Env. Science Fees -- --
27 SB Sports Fest Fees 50 50
28 Library deposit 50 --
29 Laboratory Deposit 50 --
30 General deposit 100 --
31 Eligibility Fees 50 --
Grand Total 37735 37535

* Where ever applicable (as per UGC Rule)
Note : In addition, eligibility fees as per university rules has to be paid by the students from other university.