Junior College

Junior College


- The college is known for the excellent examination results at H.S.C., Undergraduate and Post-Graduate levels.

- National Anthem is played regularly at 10:30 am every day to motivate the patriotism among the students.

- Teaching & evaluation is carried out as per the micro-level teaching plan.

- Teaching is substantiated by the use of audio visual teaching aids.

- Teachers are also motivated for research by S.B. Education Society.

- Personality development club and Environmental club activities are organized by the college.

Grant-in-Aid : 6 Divisions (720 Students)

Non-Grant : 3 Divisions (360 Students)

Group A General group (Any six)

  • English – Compulsary
  • Physics – Compulsary
  • Chemistry – Compulsary
  • Second language – Sanskrit/Hindi/Marathi/Information Technology (Any one)
  • Mathematics/Psychology/Biology (Any two)

-- OR --

Group B Vocational Group

  • English – Compulsary
  • Physics – Compulsary
  • Chemistry – Compulsary
  • Mathematics - Compulsary
  • Electronics/ Computer Science/General Civil Engineering (Any one)

Intake Capacity of Vocational Subjects

  • General Civil Engineering - 50 Seats
  • Electronics - 250 Seats
  • Computer Science - 200 Seats
  • Information Technology - 180 Seats

Environmental science and Health & Physical Education are compulsary subjects
Admission to XI Class shall be given to such students passed the S.S.C./C.B.S.E./I.C.S.E. Board Examination.
All the Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit and as per Govt. Rules.

H.S.C. Vocational Engineering Group

Vocational Courses :

  • Electronics Technology (30 Seats)
  • Construction Technology (30 Seats)
  • Electrical Technology (30 Seats)

Eligibility : X Pass

10th Plus Foundation Batch

  • 10th appeared students are admitted for the Batch.
  • The curriculum for the said batch is on the basis of CBSE, ICSE and State Board Syllabus.
  • Trained Teachers are appointed for teaching.
  • Limited Admissions.
  • It is bridge course between 10th class and XI + XII Science.
  • After completion of this batch Students are ready for JEE, NEET & other competitive examinations.

XI + XII Special Batch (NEET / JEE)

  • An initiative taken by SBES College of Science for Special Batch in which Studious and Needy Students will be admitted.
  • Experienced and reputed teachers will teach in the Special Batch.
  • Get special guidance and sufficient time to prepare for JEE / NEET Examinations.

The registration form will be available in the college from the date of declaration of S.S.C. Board results.

The form is to be filled and submitted within a period of three days from the declaration of S.S.C. Board results.

It should be noted that student once admitted in the college for XI class shall not be allowed to change college for XII, as per Govt. rules.

The application form for admission in XI class should be submitted with the following certificates each with original and two true-copies :

  • Transfer/Leaving certificate from the school/college last attended.
  • Memorandums of Marks of X Exam.
  • Caste certificate (In case of backword class students).
  • Income certificate (If the parents income is below Rs. 1,00,000/- per year)

50% seats of the total capacity shall be for reservation categories. The categorywise quota for reservation seats are as follows:

  • SC = 13%
  • ST = 7%
  • VJ = 3%
  • NT-1 = 3.5%
  • NT-2 = 2.5%
  • NT-3 = 2.0%
  • OBC = 19%
  • SBC = 2%

10% seats are reserved for the students of S.B. High School and Sharda Mandir High School, which are situated in the same campus of S.B.E.S. College of Science, Aurangabad.

Students willing to seek admissions under this category should apply within 3 days after declaration of S.S.C. Board results. The admission will be on strictly merit basis.

Admission to XI Class

  • Admission to XI class shall be given to such students passed S.S.C. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education, with minimum 35% marks in the science subjects.
  • Students from states other than Maharashtra seeking admission to XI Class should apply for the eligibility certificate to the H.S.C. Board, Aurangabad. Their admission shall be finalized only after the grant of eligibility by the board.
  • Only 720 students shall be admitted to XI class for granted divisions. All the admissions will be made strictly on the basis of merit, and as per the Govt. rules.
  • Students passed from Central Board, are eligible to seek admission to XI class. Their admission shall be finalised only after the grant of eligibility by the Board.
  • Fees should be paid in one installment for both the years for admission to the Non-Grant division.
  • The fees once paid will not be refundable.

Admission to XII Class

  • Admission to XII class shall be given to students who have passed XI science examination from this college.
  • Admission to XII class shall be made in 3rd week of April. Students of this college shall be admitted first. Any seats left vacant, shall be filled on merit basis from amongst the outside applicants.
  • Repeaters shall not be held eligible to seek admission to the XII class.
  • The students seeking admission to XII class shall not be allowed to change any of the subject from the one offered by them at the XI class.
  • Students with very poor record in studies, examinarion, discipline or poor attendance will not be admitted to the XII class.

The prospectus, alongwith the prescibed form of application will be available in the college office in the 1st week of June.

Registration for admission to XI class will be completed within three days after declaration of S.S.C. results for granted divisions.

The last date of admission for XII class shall be 20th June.

The prescribed fees and other charges must be paid at the time of admission only. In the event of voluntary cancellation of admission by the student, the fees paid by him/her shall not be refunded.

The students must retain all the receipts of fees. The receipt must be produced for refund of deposits.

In the event of the loss of receipts by the students a search fees shall be charged by the college office to verify the fees record.

The library and laboratory deposits shall only be refunded when the students leave the college permanently.

An initative is taken by SBES College of Science for special batch in which Economically Background /Needy Students will be admitted.

Experienced and reputed teachers will teach in the special batch.

For Grant Section

Sr. No. Particulars Fees in Rupees XI Fees in Rupees XII
1 Full Fees 525 525
2 Full Fees Electronics/Computer 7525 7525
3 Full Fees IT 1725 1725
4 EBC/EXCE / GIRLS Freeship / PSTF /SSTF Fees 215 215
5 EBC/EXCE / GIRLS Freeship / PSTF /SSTF Fees / Electronics / Computer 7215 7215
6 EBC/EXCE / GIRLS Freeship / PSTF /SSTF Fees- IT 1415 1415
7 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for SC & ST Category 215 215
8 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for SC & ST Category / Electronics / Computer 7215 7215
9 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for SC & ST Category - IT 1415 1415
10 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for Other Category 333 333
11 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for other Category - Electronics/Computer 7333 7333
12 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for other Category - IT 1533 1533

For NON-Grant Section

Sr. No. Particulars Fees in Rupees XI Fees in Rupees XII
1 Non Grant Fees 7525 7525
2 Electronics Fees 7525 7525
3 Computer Science Fees 7525 7525
4 Information Technology 8725 8725

For MCVC Section

Sr. No. Particulars Fees in Rupees XI Fees in Rupees XII
1 Full Fees 595 595
2 EBC/EXCE/GIRLS Freeship / PSTF / SSTF 215 215
3 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for SC & ST Category 215 215
4 GOI SCH/GOI Freeship for other Category 355 355